Yazarın edebiyat alanındaki kitapları arasında önemli bir yere sahip Yaşlılık BDT’de yılın kitabı seçilmişken, Ümit kitabı 2010’da Avusturya’da Franz Kafka ödülüne layık görülmüştür. Oğluma Mektuplar ve Hasetlik isimleri eserleri de okuyucuları arasında büyük yankı uyandırmıştır.
Yazarın bu eserlerinden birçoğu Türkçe, Rusça, Almanca ve Çince gibi dillere çevrilmiştir.
14 Aralık 2010’da vefat eden Kelimbetov tercüme alanında da başarılı çalışmalar vermiş ve Yıldırım, Gökkuşağı ve Ah Bizim Şuşikent eserleri Rusçadan, Said Ahmet’in Ufuk, Pirimkul Kadirov’un Yıldızlı Geceler isimli romanları Özbekçeden başarılı bir şekilde Kazakçaya kazandırmıştır.
Prof. Dr. Nemat Kelimbetov, one of leading scientists and writers of Kazakhstan who was born in 1937 have many high school textbook. His scientific books are “Old Turkish Poems and Continuation of This Tradition”, “Resources, of The Kazakh Literature” “Old Time Literature”, “Ancient Inscriptions of the Literature” and “Common Literary Works of Turkish Peoples”.
Kelimbetov has successful works in the field of story. Kelimbetov completely paralyzed at age of 35 after a spinal cord surgery lived great shock, began to overcome paralysis and to live as a procreator, not a parasitic after recovering from shock and he has been successful.
His book, “Elderlies” which has a significant place in the field of his literary books was selected book of the year in the CIS, his another book “I Don’t Lose My Hope” was awarded Franz Kafka in 2010 in Austria. The malatya escort book of “Letters to My Son” and “Jealousy“have had great impact among readers.
Many of the works of the author were translated into many languages like German, Russian, izmit escort Turkish and Chinese.
Kelimbetov who died in 14h December of 2010 gave successful works in the field of translation. He translated from Russian into Kazakh “Rainbow”, and “Oh, Our Shushikent” and from Uzbek into pendik escort Kazakh “Horizon” of Said Ahmed and “Nights with Stars” of Pirimkul Kadyrov.